Deep Rock Galactic artwork for the fifth anniversary update

[Update]: Deep Rock Galactic's Season 4 has arrived with new enemies, boss, jet boots, and an arcade cabinet.

In celebration of their fifth anniversary, the Deep Rock Galactic team has now unleashed a festive update for everyone to enjoy. The Space Rig has been decorated with balloons, confetti and all sorts of plastic nonsense, the missions now come with an optional objective to double the amount of Performance Points you can earn, and as is tradition, there's also a snazzy new hat to acquire by completing the special anniversary assignment.

However, that's not all! In order to make this an anniversary worth remembering, the Deep Rock Galactic crew has now also re-released the classic 2018 version of the game as a limited time event! It's a bit dated and rough around the edges, but also a nice bit of fun, as well as an excellent showcase of just how far Deep Rock Galactic has managed to come since the early days.

So if you would like to peer into the past, you'll be happy to hear that the process is quite simple. All you have to do is right click Deep Rock Galactic in your Steam Library, select Properties and then Launch Options under the General tab. Once you're there simply select "Play 2018 Legacy Edition" or "Ask when starting game" from the dropdown menu, and you'll be good to go. If you don't see any of the options, or if the legacy version isn't launching, simply restart Steam and it'll most likely work then.

The final thing worth mentioning is that Ghost Ship Games have now released the second Supporter Upgrade DLC. Much like the previous one, the Supporter II Upgrade contains an assortment of shiny cosmetic items and is mostly there to, as the name might imply, give players a chance to throw the developers a few extra bucks for all of their efforts over the years.

Have fun with all of the new, or rather old stuff, and I'll make sure to let you know once the next big update goes live. Until then, you can read a few more tidbits about Deep Rock Galactic's anniversary over at Steam.

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