Fall Guys official Season 3 artwork and logo

[Update]: Fall Guys' futuristic update has brought in Squad Mode and a bunch of new maps.

Fall Guys is one of those games that requires a constant influx of new maps and game modes in order to stay fresh and interesting. As such, I am very happy to say that the recently launched Season 3 update has brought in exactly that, and in far greater quantities than ever before!

To be more specific, Season 3 has added seven snowy new maps to mess around with, as well as a plethora of festive costumes to acquire as you go. While there are some repeats of old ideas, the good news is that most of the new maps are either based around new mechanics or twist some of the classic ones in new and interesting ways. Needless to say, it's all pretty good fun!

As for what exactly all of this madness looks like in gameplay terms, as well as what sort of costumes you'll be able to unlock, that you can find out through the freshly posted trailer. Have a peek:

And for those of you that take competition seriously, the Fall Guys team has also added golden variants of classic costumes. In order to unlock these glitzy outfits you'll need to increase your Crown Rank, a process that should be relatively easy for veterans as all of your victories will retroactively count and help boost you through the ranks.

You can read a little bit more about this, as well as Season 3 as a whole, over at Steam. Have fun!

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