Lies Beneath official screenshot showing the various monsters

While Half-Life: Alyx has stolen the spotlight from pretty much every other VR release, you might want to give the newly launched Lies Beneath a closer look. It's a highly stylized survival-horror game that plays fast and loose with the concept of reality, all the while giving you plenty of atmospheric locations to explore along the way.

Since describing horror games through words alone is almost entirely pointless, you should check out the newly posted gameplay trailer down below. It'll clue you in quite quickly on just what kind of game Lies Beneath is, as well as how stylish its visuals truly are. Have a little peek:

As of right now, Lies Beneath is only available for the Oculus Quest, though that will be changing in the near future. According to the brief announcement, Lies Beneath will also be making its way to the Oculus Rift S on April 14th.

You can read a little bit more about it, as well as check out some of the user reviews, over at the Oculus website. Have fun, and do try not to get eaten by pigmen!

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