Dredge Lovecraftian fishing and exploration game artwork

[Update #2]: Dredge's second update has added photography, new events and a passive difficulty mode.

[Update]: Dredge's Patch 1.1 has now made navigation smoother and added quality-of-life improvements,

Despite being a bit on the simpler side of things, Dredge is a remarkably charming fishing and exploration game with a Lovecraftian twist. It's all about catching fish and collecting various materials in order to upgrade your ship, using those upgrades to venture further and catch even bigger fish, slowly unlocking more and more fancy toys to make your life easier, and so the cycle goes. Oh, and occasionally you'll get attacked by a gigantic sea monster that wants nothing more than to chow down on your ship, but it's mostly about earning fat stacks of cash and creating the best fishing boat the world has ever seen!

If that sort of thing sounds like it's right up your alley, you'll be pleased to hear that Black Salt Games have announced that they're not done with Dredge just yet! Instead, according to the freshly released roadmap they're planning to launch a couple of free updates over the next few months, and then later this year follow that up with a chunky paid DLC!

Dredge - Lovecraftian fishing game screenshot of the 2023 roadmap for updates and DLC

The first update will arrive at some point in May and will allow you to mark various locations and dangers on the in-game map in order to better facilitate exploration. Additionally, the update will bring with it an assortment of fixes and balance changes, though the exact details are still few and far between.

The second update will introduce two new game modes: Photo Mode and Passive Mode. As the names might imply, Photo Mode will give you a fancy camera and task you with photographing all sorts of marine wildlife for a brand new character, while the Passive Mode will let you focus on fishing and exploration without the occasional kraken attack.

The third update which will arrive at some point in the third quarter will bring with it a variety of boat customization to mess around with. So as you explore the islands in Dredge you'll be able to unlock new paint schemes, flags and perhaps other knickknacks to help your boat stand out from the crowd.

Finally, the Ironhaven DLC will be arriving later this year with a whole new mystery to unravel. Unsurprisingly the exactly details are basically nonexistent right now, but what I can tell you is that we'll be helping the Ironhaven Corporation set up some sort of innovative drilling operation. Given the region's history and the horrors that lurk in the depths I think it's safe to say that things are going to go very wrong, very quickly, though perhaps that's exactly what the Ironhaven Corporation wants!

Whatever the case may be, you can learn a little bit more about Dredge's plans for the future, as well as keep an eye on any teasers, over at Steam. Enjoy!

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