Northgard official artwork and logo for the map editor

[Update]: Northgard's Sword & Solace update has spruced up everything from multiplayer to the UI.

[Update]: Shiro Games are now working on a real-time 4X strategy game set in the Dune universe!

Northgard is a viking themed strategy game from the makers of Evoland, and as the name itself would suggest, is all about trying to create a thriving colony in the extremely hostile and frigid north. On its own Northgard already has a fair bit of replayability given the various clans and map layouts, but if that's just not enough, I'm very happy to say that the newest update has now also brought in a Map Editor!

The newly added Map Editor allows you to create or modify maps in almost any way. You can fully mess around with the visual design and overall layout of the map, populate it with buildings and resources, paint the landscape with decorations or creatures of your choosing, as well as add and edit special tiles found throughout the world.

If you're curious what this might look like in action, you'll find the answers you seek through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's a short but informative one:

As an additional little bonus, Northgard has also added five new special tiles for players to mess around with. These range from poisonous swamps that slow and harm anyone that dares pass through them, to ancient runestones that enhance your healing or even large patches of tall grass that can be used for ambushes. A relatively small addition compared to the Map Editor itself, but a pretty fun one regardless!

The final thing worth mentioning is that Northgard has also added Steam Workshop integration as a part of this update. So if you have any maps to share, or if you simply want to check out what the community has created, you should hop on over to the Workshop.

Have fun!

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