GORN official artwork and logo

GORN, as you might imagine from its name alone, is a ridiculously over-the-top and brutal VR game about gladiatorial combat. To put it even more simply, it's all about taking a variety of weapons that liter the arena, and then using said weapons to bludgeon or slice your way through hordes of enemies!

If that sounds like the sort of nonsense you might enjoy, you'll be glad to hear that GORN has now finally released from Steam Early Access. Here's what you can expect to see from the release version:

In terms of new content, the 1.0 update has finally added the final boss ALIMTA, as well as new giant enemies to square off against. The update has also brought in a whole bunch of bug fixes and performance improvements, bonus objectives for each trial, and perhaps most importantly of all, a literal hand-cannon!

You can read a little bit more about these additions, as well as GORN itself, over at Steam. Have fun smacking your enemies around, and just remember, your head is just as loosely attached as theirs!

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