Project Zomboid updates are few and far between, but when they do finally arrive they tend to bring with them an absurd amount of new mechanics and items to mess around with. The upcoming Update 42 is no different in this regard as the Project Zomboid team is aiming to pack it to the brim with all sorts of fan-favorite features.
Before I give you a quick rundown of what exactly these features are, it's important to mention that everything is currently still a work in progress. As such, while all of these ideas and mechanics are being worked on and will arrive at some point in the future, there is no guarantee they'll be done by the time Update 42 is ready to launch. With that said, here's what the Project Zomboid team is trying to cram into Update 42:
• a massive map expansion in almost every direction
• an underground layer, including basements and maybe even sewers
• farm animals and possibly even critters like rats
• a fire rework with a focus on realism
• revamped and expanded crafting
• more interesting farming and fishing
• lightning and engine improvements
• new (and optional) sounds for our characters to help with immersion
• a system for mixing liquids
• more professions and skills
• a ton of new recipes, items, events and animations to help tie everything together
The one downside to all of this, especially for an indie studio, is that actually implementing this many new features is going to take a very, very long time. As such, don't be too surprised if Update 42 ends up releasing at some point later this year, or even next year for that matter.
Whatever the case may be, I'll make sure to let you know once we get an actual release date, or the Project Zomboid team announces some more juicy details. Until then, you can read a little bit more about Project Zomboid and its future over at the development blog. Enjoy!