Shu screenshot showcasing a Storm monster

If you're a fan of colorful and stylish 2.5D platformers then you might be interested in Shu - a platforming adventure that will have you explore a variety of strange landscapes, forever pursued by a monstrous and unrelenting Storm. And unlike most storms out there, this one seems to have teeth!

Before I say anything else, perhaps it would be for the best if you just checked out the launch trailer. It should give you a good idea of what Shu is all about, and what exactly do the developers mean with "Can you outrun the end of the world?". Have a look:

Besides all of the standard jumping around, collecting shiny things throughout the levels, and constantly falling into pits, Shu also features a whole bunch of stranded villagers you will need to rescue. In return for your help they will grant you special abilities with which you will be able to traverse the more treacherous parts of the levels, and hopefully bring all of you to safety. According to the official blurb there will be 10 unique characters to find and rescue, each one adding their own twist to the gameplay, so in theory Shu should (say that 5 times fast) remain interesting through its entirety.

If all of this sounds like something you might be interested in, you can find Shu on Steam at a €12/$12 price tag. And if you would like to learn more, or just look up some more screenshots, I would recommend you head over to the official website. Have fun!

Shu screenshot showcasing a cheerful atmoshpere

Shu screenshot showcasing some lovely graphics

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