Helldivers 2 official artwork and logo for the Starship Troopers inspired co-op shooter

[Update #2]: Helldivers 2 will soon be getting the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuits teased all the way back at launch.

[Update]: My 70+ hour review of Helldivers 2 is now out, and I'm delighted to say that the game is phenomenal!

Following in the footsteps of games like Risk of Rain 2, Arrowhead Game Studios have decided to really shake things up for the sequel to their 2015 co-op shooter Helldivers. As such, not only is Helldivers 2 going to be bigger, better and more polished than its predecessor, but it'll also forgo the restricting top-down view in favor of a more personal and higher fidelity third-person one.

When it comes to the actual gameplay, it should come as little surprise to hear that Helldivers 2 will equip you with an assortment of absurdly overpowered weaponry and throw you into the meatgrinder against equally absurd numbers of enemies. Add to that a plethora of toys that all cause copious amounts of friendly fire, a constant stream of chaos and nonsense, as well as overly patriotic, Starship Troopers flavored dialogue, and you've got yourself the building blocks of a (hopefully) highly entertaining co-op game.

What all of this madness looks like in action, as well as how silly the whole story gets, that you can check out through the announcement trailer below. Have a peek:

I'd love to give you more details as I'm quite excited myself, but I'm afraid the Helldivers 2 team hasn't released a proper gameplay trailer just yet, only quickly edited bits and pieces. Once that changes and we get a good look at everything it has to offer, I'll make sure to let you know.

Once that changes, and ideally once we get a lengthy gameplay preview, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, give the original game a try if you haven't already. It's quite a blast with a couple of friends at your side!

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