The Binding of Isaac official artwork for the Repentance expansion

[Update #2]: The Binding of Isaac's final and absolutely massive expansion Repentance has now been unleashed!

[Update]: Change of plans, Repentance will now be launching on March 31, 2021!

It would appear that The Binding of Isaac team simply doesn't understand what the word "final" means. After already going through two rounds of final expansions for the roguelike classic, the "FINAL FINAL FINAL mega expansion" called Repentance is now set to arrive this December 31st! The exact date is most probably a placeholder, but with Repentance being 90% complete so far, it's more likely than not it'll arrive later this year.

When it comes to the actual content, the Repentance expansion seems to be genuinely impressive so far. It'll bring with it 130 new items to toy around with, a new alternate path with brand new chapters and final boss, 100 new enemies, 25 new bosses, and perhaps most importantly of all, 5000 new room designs to master!

Combine this with 100 new achievements to unlock, many of which are likely to have actual in-game rewards, as well as 2 new playable characters, and you've got yourself a rather gigantic expansion for an already gigantic roguelike. And considering that Repentance is going to be even bigger than Rebirth, that's really is a lot of content to burn through!

I'd love to tell you more, or show some actual gameplay, but I'm afraid that's it for the time being. Once a proper release date gets announced I'll make sure to let you know, but until then you can take a little sneak peek at the Repentance expansion over at Steam.

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