Black Mirror adventure game official artwork without logo

Before I say anything else its important to first address the rather large elephant skulking in the corner of the room: Black Mirror has absolutely nothing to do with the Twilight Zone inspired TV series of the same name. It does, however, have a lot in common with the fairly old point & click adventure game Black Mirror 1, mostly because it a modern re-imagining of the very same story.

As for what exactly that story is, here's the brief description that came with the announcement: "Black Mirror is a dark adventure game that details the aftermath of the tragic death of William Gordon. Playing as his grandson Samuel players must unveil the truth behind the events of that fateful, stormy night. The Gordon family has accepted William's death as suicide; however, Samuel is not so sure. And through further investigation some terrifying family secrets are revealed. Through the course of the game players will discover the tragedy that has decimated the Gordons since the Middle Ages - and eventually fight to escape a fate that will not stop until it has claimed every member of the family."

Black Mirror adventure game series screenshot of a ghost

Prepare for a slow and steady trip into the bizarre

Since the gameplay in the original is apparently quite slow and arduous by today's standards, you'll be glad to hear that Black Mirror won't be a simple remaster. Instead it will bring with it improved gameplay with a focus on exploration and careful examination, the obligatory spruced up visuals and sound design, as well as "high quality voice acting from a compelling ensemble cast". The details are unfortunately still in short supply, but it does appear that the developers are keen to keep the spirit of the original alive despite all of the changes and additions.

You can expect to see Black Mirror this November 28th on PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. To learn more I would recommend heading over to official website, or just browsing through the original's Steam storefront. And finally, here's a slightly confusing yet enticing trailer to set the mood. Enjoy!

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