The Long Dark screenshot of a sunset and lighthouse

After almost a hundred updates and multiple years in Steam Early Access the zombie-free survival game The Long Dark will be releasing tomorrow, on August 1st for PC and consoles. Instead of dealing with a post-apocalyptic scenario or raving bands of super-mutants, in The Long Dark its only going to be you, the bitter cold, and all of the fury Mother Nature can muster. A simple concept, but a rather compelling one!

In an effort to make this launch all the more exciting for new and old players alike, the developers will be bringing in the long-awaited story mode. So whether you're a seasoned veteran or a brand new player, there will be plenty of mysteries to uncover and survivors to chit-chat with. If you're interested in seeing what all of this might look like in-game, here's the recently posted trailer:

Despite The Long Dark now being 'finished', it is important to mention that this is only the beginning of the journey. The launch version will bring with it two out of the five planned story episodes, while the other three will arrive at some point in 2018. All of the currently available story content will take you around 6-10 hours to finish, though I'd imagine that number will stretch for quite a bit when you consider that you need to actually stay alive in order to experience the story.

If you would like to learn more, or just grab yourself a copy of The Long Dark, I would recommend heading over to either Steam or the official website. And finally, here's a couple of images to set the mood:

The Long Dark screenshot of a cosy hut

The Long Dark screenshot of a bear in a blizzard

The Long Dark screenshot of a beautiful full moon

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