Unravel 2 official screenshot of the two Yarnies helping each other out

It's been obvious for a couple of days now that EA is planning to fully unravel (sorry) Unravel 2 at E3 2018, so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to hear that they have now done just that. What might come as a bit of a shocker, however, is that they then proceeded to announce that Unravel 2 is already available on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4! And no, I'm not actually joking. You can play it right now!

What might be of even greater interest is the simple fact that Unravel 2 has a co-op mode where you and your partner are tethered together by (you guessed it) a string of yarn. It's only local co-op so it's unfortunately a bit limited in that respect, but from what I've seen at E3 it appears to be pretty darn enjoyable regardless. If you're wondering why that is so, allow me to share with you the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's quite lovely:

There is unfortunately not much written information available, but I'm pretty sure you know exactly what Unravel 2 is all about just from the trailer above. If not, you can expect to wonder through a beautiful world, solve a variety of increasingly challenging and tricky platforming puzzles, and hopefully have a nice and relaxing time doing so. 

You can learn a bit more about Unravel 2, as well as grab yourself a copy once the store stops having hiccups, by heading over to the official website. Have fun!

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