World of Horror artwork for the shattered court ball

[Update #2]: I've now reviewed World of Horror's version 1.0 and I'm happy to say that, despite some issues, it's a highly enjoyable roguelike!

[Update]: It took a while, but World of Horror will be launching on October 19th, 2023!

After an excellent start in Early Access, updates for the Junji Ito inspired horror-adventure World of Horror sadly slowed down significantly. However, now that The Ceaseless Curse update has arrived with a fair bit of new stuff to play around with, I can only hope development will speed up again as I sure could use more 1-bit madness in my life!

Speaking of the new update, The Ceaseless Curse brings with it two new characters with their own unique perks and abilities: the witch and the ex-cultist. Additionally, the update has also added character-exclusive events exploring their backstories and their connections to the story, so expect to see a lot more variety in random events than before.

In order to spice things up even further, there are now also two new mysteries to solve. The details are obviously few and far between, but one will have you take care of a "weird friend with a dark secret" while the other will have you explore a seemingly abandoned mansion full of grotesque paintings. Considering World of Horror's art style, I'd say these will be a pretty good fit!

You can read a little bit more about these additions, as well as World of Horror itself, over at Steam. Have fun saving the world... or just accidentaly destroying it!

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