Cyberpunk Edgerunners anime inspired update 1.6 artwork

[Update]: CD Projekt Red has announced that there is a new Cyberpunk 2077 sequel in the works, along with numerous new Witcher games and even a brand new IP!

In order to get everyone hyped up for the upcoming Edgerunners anime, as well as the very first expansion Phantom Liberty, the Cyberpunk 2077 team has now unleashed Update 1.6 - Edgerunners. It brings with it a couple of new secrets and Easter eggs based on the Edgerunners anime, eleven new weapons to toy around with, a whole host of balance fixes and general improvements, as well as the long-requested addition of cross-progression that allows you to continue playing on your save file regardless of platform.

Most importantly, at least as far as character customization is concerned, Update 1.6 has also brought with it the Wardrobe/transmog system. This handy new feature essentially gives you the ability to change your appearance without messing up your armor stats. So if you want to go through Cyberpunk 2077 looking like you're dressed for a night out while actually sporting the sturdiest armor money can possibly buy, you can now do exactly that!

What some of this looks like in action, as well as how it compares to the Edgerunners anime, that you can find out through the trailer below. Have a gander:

If you prefer the written word, however, you can check out all of the details about Update 1.6 over at the official website.

Once the next big patch arrives, or we get more information about the Phantom Liberty expansion, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun with all of the new stuff!

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