Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty very first expansion artwork

[Update #2]: CD Projekt Red has announced that there is a new Cyberpunk 2077 sequel in the works, along with numerous new Witcher games and even a brand new IP!

[Update]: Cyberpunk 2077's Edgerunners Patch 1.6 has added cross-platform progression, outfit customization and more.

In an announcement that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise given that CD Projekt Red has been teasing it for quite a few months now, the Cyberpunk 2077 team has now unveiled a brand new expansion - Phantom Liberty. The details are still few and far between, but what I can tell you is that Phantom Liberty's storyline will have you join the New United States of America and that it will take place during the mid to endgame portion of the main campaign.

In terms of gameplay, you can expect to see brand new locations within Night City, new weapons and other fun toys to play around with, as well as a new cast of characters to annoy. Most interestingly, Keanu Reeves will also be reprising his role as Johnny Silverhand!

You can get a little bit of a sneak peek at what Phantom Liberty is really all about through the trailer below. Have a gander:

No exact release date has been announced just yet, but you can expect Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty to arrive at some point in 2023 for PC and consoles. Speaking of which, it's also worth mentioning that Phantom Liberty will be ditching the older generation of consoles and focusing exclusively on PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox Series X|S and Stadia, which should help avoid some of the nastier performance issues Cyberpunk 2077 launched with.

Once more information becomes available I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can learn a little bit more about Cyberpunk 2077, as well as keep track of any developer updates, over at the official website. Enjoy!

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