Darktide artwork for the Traitor's Curse update

[Update]: Darktide devs are aiming to rework the Crafting and Achievement systems, as well as add new Content throughout 2024.

It took a full year for us to get here, but it looks like Fatshark has finally settled into a good rhythm with Darktide. And so, only a short while after Patch #15 arrived, The Traitor Curse - Part 2 update has now been unleashed with a variety of new content to mess around with!

There's a brand new map set in the Carnival zone, a time-limited event that will see your team randomly ambushed by one of the Karnak Twins, consumables stims that function similarly to Vermintide 2's potions, a new batch of weapon variations that includes a revolver with a fan-the-hammer mode, and as is tradition, yet another rework of the Veteran's skill tree. Best of all? It's all good stuff!

What some of this looks like in action, as well as what the new storyline is even all about, that you can check out through the trailer below. Have a gander:

The good news doesn't end there, however, as there is a brand new event coming in the near future - most likely a proper boss fight against the Karnak Twins. The details are still few and far between, but given that the recent hotfix has brought with it around 4GB of data, I think we'll be getting this secretive mission sooner rather than later. Either way, I'll make sure to let you know once Fatshark finally spills the beans.

Until then, I'd highly recommend checking out the Anniversary update as it's been a great deal of fun so far. Both of the recent maps are excellent, the various rebalances and fixes have made the gameplay a whole lot smoother, and the potion-like stims have quickly found themselves an interesting niche. Right now Darktide really is the best it has ever been.

Whatever your plans may be, you can learn more about the Anniversary update, as well as keep track of any announcements, over at Steam. Enjoy!

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