Darktide official artwork for the Vanguard armor bundle

[Update #2]: Darktide's Path of Redemption update has added a free Battle Pass, numerous cosmetics, Tox Bomber enemy and more.

[Update]: Darktide's April update is adding a new enemy, puzzles and fresh way to collect cosmetics.

Quite a few months have gone by since Darktide's last content update, but I'm happy to say that the mysterious Fatshark has now finally emerged from its burrow and signaled the end of winter. In other words, we have finally received a small blog post explaining what exactly the studio is currently working on!

First and foremost, the Darktide team is planning to do a comprehensive revamp of the penance (achievement) system. While the actual details are still few and far between, the goal is to not only add a whole bunch of new cosmetics to play Fashiontide with, but to make them a lot more interesting to collect as well.

Next in line will be an equally comprehensive rework of the itemization and crafting systems. The goal this time around will be to remove a lot of the unpredictable grind that comes from the current RNG-heavy mess. Under the new system players will be able to directly progress towards specific loadouts, blessings and weapon stats, thus greatly expanding the amount of builds everyone will be able to mess around with.

Fatshark will also be adding new missions, enemies, weapons, conditions and extra features all throughout 2024, though I'm afraid none of those have been revealed just yet. That said, a plague ogyrn variant that comes equipped with a big ol' gun has been datamined a while back, so it's quite likely one of these new enemies will be our bile-spewing friend.

Whatever the case may be, I'll make sure to let you know once Fatshark releases some actual details. Either way, consider me excited as I have spent way, way too much time rolling and re-rolling weapons trying to make new builds!

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