[Update #2]: Darktide's August update is looking to fix long-standing issues like crafting locks.
[Update]: Darktide's Patch 11 has added Crossplay, a new Mission Modifier and buffed the useless Ogyrn Shield.
Even though Darktide's most recent update was dubbed "Rejects Unite", it unfortunately didn't bring with it cross-play between the Steam and Microsoft Store versions. For most games this would be a mild inconvenience, but for Darktide it's a serious issue since the Game Pass version simply doesn't have the player numbers to consistently fill out matches, which makes playing in any of the higher difficulty levels nigh impossible.
Thankfully, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon! According to the latest developer update cross-play will finally be getting added alongside Update 1.1.10 in late June or early July, or if things go awry, shortly after the update itself. Once cross-play goes live both Steam and Game Pass players will be able to cleave Chaos cultists together without any sort of restrictions, though unfortunately it doesn't look like there will be any cross-progression between the two platforms.
Besides cross-play, Update 1.1.10 will also bring in a new map condition called Elite Resistance. As the name might suggest, Elite Resistance will have you face off against a lot more elite enemies like Crushers and Berserkers, though less enemies overall in order to prevent things from becoming too slow and cumbersome. And if you're a fan of darkness, Throneside missions Enclavum Baross & Comms Plex 154/2f will finally be getting the Power Supply Interruption condition.
There will also be a small balance pass for weapon Blessings, though no exact details have been shared just yet. I can only hope Update 1.1.10 normalizes the numbers between similar blessings because it's silly to have stuff like '+50% damage while attacking' right next to '+2% damage if you're sneezing and the enemy is wearing teal pants'.
As for the future, you'll be happy to hear that Fatshark has acknowledged some of the most common community complaints. While nothing concrete has been said just yet, Fatshark is at least looking into things like account based currencies, perk refinements, adjustments to crafting locks and the number of available options on the mission board.
Once more information becomes available, most likely when Update 1.1.10 goes live, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can read the whole developer blog over at the official website.