The Callisto Protocol official artwork for the Dead Space inspired horror game

[Update]: The Dead Space remake has now landed onto PC and consoles, and so far it's looking quite good!

If you're looking for something to help pass the time until the Dead Space remake lands onto PC and consoles this January 27th, you might want to give the freshly released The Callisto Protocol a look. To put it quite simply The Callisto Protocol is a sci-fi survival horror that's all about exploring claustrophobic environments, carefully managing your resources, and as you would expect given its inspiration, tearing mutated monstrosities apart limb from limb!

You can get a pretty good idea of what all of this looks like in action, as well as how closely The Callisto Protocol mirrors Dead Space, through the launch trailer below. Have a gander:

I haven't played it myself so take the following with a few grains of salt, but so far it looks like The Callisto Protocol is a bit of a mixed bag. The visuals and the moment-to-moment gameplay seem to be receiving the most praise, while the major complaints all seem to be focused on the PC version's performance and the lack of enemy variety.

So before you even consider diving into The Callisto Protocol, I'd highly recommend doing a bit of extra research, and ideally checking out some raw gameplay footage as well. With a bit of luck this should give you a pretty good idea of where exactly you stand with The Callisto Protocol's gameplay and how likely you'll be able to forgive some of its flaws in order to dive into its rather stylish world.

Whatever your plans may be, you can learn more about The Callisto Protocol and its current status over at Steam. Enjoy!

The Callisto Protocol - Dead Space inspired survival horror game screenshot of a warning message on a wall

The Callisto Protocol - Dead Space inspired survival horror game screenshot of the stylist armor suits

The Callisto Protocol - Dead Space inspired survival horror game screenshot of the monster attacking

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