Dead Space official artwork without the logo

[Update #2]: Pre-orders of the upcoming Dead Space remake will come with a copy of the excellent Dead Space 2.

[Update]: The Callisto Protocol, a heavily Dead Space inspired survival-horror, has now landed onto PC and consoles.

After a whole bunch of tiny teasers and tech previews, Motive Studio have now finally given us a proper look at the comprehensive Dead Space remake. The new version has been rebuilt from the ground up in order to offer higher fidelity visuals, enhanced audio, as well as a bunch of gameplay improvements. That said, don't worry about things changing too much as the remake seems to have gone to great lengths to stay true to the original game's vision and style.

How all of this translates into actual gameplay, that you can check out through the recently posted preview. Have a gander, it's quite a pretty one:

If this has gotten you into a bit of a nostalgic mood, or perhaps just eager to start your first journey into the Dead Space universe, you'll be happy to hear that you won't have to wait all that long. I say this because the Dead Space remake will be launching in a mere few months, on January 27th, 2023 for PC, PlayStation and Xbox!

You can learn a few more tidbits about Dead Space, as well as read more about the effort that has gone into the remake, over at Steam. Enjoy, and I'll leave you with a couple of small teasers, just for good measure!

Dead Space survival-horror remake screenshot of a necromorph attack

Dead Space survival-horror remake screenshot of a large bit of space machinery

Dead Space survival-horror remake highly atmospheric screenshot

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