The Walking Dead: The Final Season screenshot of Clementine hiding from zombies

After the extremely successful first episode, The Walking Dead: The Final Season is set to continue this September 25th with Episode 2 - Suffer the Children. The details are still few and far between, but what I can tell you is that this episode will reintroduce a major element from Clementine's past, an element that will end up threatening her future. I would love to tell you more, but I'll be a good boy and keep quiet due to spoiler reasons.

If you don't mind having some of the surprise spoiled, however, you might be interested to hear that Telltale has now released two trailers showing off what Episode 2 has to offer. Have a look, they're quite interesting:

I'm afraid I can't offer you any more details about the new episode, but if you're curious about what exactly The Final Season is all about, you should know that there is a free demo available. It's not exactly lengthy, but it really doesn't have to be in order to give you a pretty darn good idea of just what Telltale has cooked up for Clementine.

And if you would like to learn a little bit more before diving in, I would recommend you visit the official website. Have fun with the demo!

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