Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season screenshot of a rather fierce Clementine

Much like the world it takes place in, Telltale's The Walking Dead series has seen its fair share of crushing disasters and miraculous recoveries. Back in September Telltale closed down their doors and filed for bankruptcy, which as you might imagine, quickly put a stop to the development of their newly released The Walking Dead: The Final Season.

Usually that would be the end of the story, but Skybound Games appeared out of nowhere and offered to hire the original developers in order to complete The Final Season and give both fans and Clementine the closure they deserve. And to wrap all of this up in a neat little bow, it's also worth mentioning that the founder of Skybound Games is none other than Robert Kirkman - the writer behind The Walking Dead comic itself!

If your interest in the series has now once again been piqued, you might also be glad to hear that Skybound Games will be releasing Episode 3 of The Walking Dead: The Final Season this January 15th. The details are few and far between, but the brief description promises that "your choices will define your relationships and determine how Clementine’s story ends."

The trailer itself does not provide much in terms of useful information either, but if you've played the original The Walking Dead series and you're up for a bit of a nostalgia trip, you should definitely check it out. Have a gander:

You can learn a little bit more about The Walking Dead: The Final Season, as well as follow its development moving forward, over at the Skybound Games website.

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