Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season Clementine surrounded by zombies

[Update]: Episode 3 of The Walking Dead: The Final Season has now been pinned for January 15th!

Despite their last two games both getting some rather favorable reviews, Telltale Games have unfortunately ended up closing down their doors due to poor sales and internal problems. With the company filing for bankruptcy and most employees being laid off, the future of The Walking Dead: The Final Season and other Telltale projects was looking pretty damn grim.

While it still doesn't seem like we'll ever get our hands on the much-anticipated The Wolf Among Us 2, I am at least glad to announce that The Walking Dead: The Final Season will be finished as Skybound Games and Telltale have managed to reach a deal. While Skybound Games and its parent Skybound Entertainment are both publishers with seemingly no game development experience, it is important to mention that the founder of the company is none other than Robert Kirkman - the writer behind the actual The Walking Dead comic!

Nothing is set in stone just yet, but it would also appear that Skybound Games are aiming to pick up as much of the original The Walking Dead: The Final Season team as possible in order to wrap up Clementine's story. If this ends up panning out it would quite literally be the best possible outcome for Telltale's The Walking Dead - to be finished by the original team under the watchful eye of the series' writer himself!

Once more information surfaces I'll make sure to let you know, but until then if you're looking for something to scratch that adventure game itch, you might want to check out the newly released Life is Strange 2

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