Fallout 76 official artwork for the Wastelanders update with the logo

[Update #2]: Fallout 76 has now finally arrived onto Steam alongside the massive (and entirely free) Wastelanders expansion.

[Update]: The Wastelanders expansion has now been pinned for April 14th, while a brand new trailer shows off some of the new enemies and allies.

There's no two ways about it - Fallout 76 has been a bit of a mess from the very start, both in-game and outside of it with the whole canvass bag fiasco. There is still some hope for Fallout 76, however, as Bethesda has just announced a massive free update that's supposed to addressed many of the common complaints.

First and foremost, the original main quest will be heavily revamped in order to provide a more engaging experience, both in solo play and co-op. There will also be a brand new main quest with plenty of human NPCs to interact with, as well as some actual choices to make that will greatly affect how you are treated by each of the various factions. How in-depth all of this will be, nobody currently knows, but it's still good to see Fallout 76 actually starting to resemble a Fallout game.

You can also expect to see a variety of new locations and missions to undertake, as well as plenty of high-tier weapons and armor to acquire along the way. Naturally, the reason you'll want all of this fancy new gear is to fight against the freshly mutated and shockingly ugly new creatures. Well, that or you can just try to annoy your fellow players!

The final thing revealed so far is that the Wastelanders update will be coming to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this April 7th. As for the PC version, it will be available on both Bethesda's client and Steam, something the community has been requesting for quite a while now.

With that said, I'll leave you with the recently posted and somewhat brief teaser trailer. Enjoy!

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