Grand Theft Auto V screenshot of a chase through the forest

[Update #2]: Epic is now giving away Borderlands: The Handsome Collection which contains Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and all of the DLC released for both games!

[Update]: The next giveaway has now arrived, and I'm very happy to say it's Civilization VI!

The Epic Games Store has given out some pretty darn good games over the past year, but this week's offer is almost certainly the best one so far. As the title would suggest, the free game in question is none other than the excellent Grand Theft Auto V!

If you would like to grab yourself a copy, simply head on over to the Epic Games Store, log into your account or create a new one, and you'll be good to go. Just bear in mind that the Epic Games Store is currently being absolutely hammered with traffic, so don't be too surprised if you end up having to spend 10 minutes just to open up the page itself.

Besides the GTA V giveaway, Epic is also running a rather sizable sale with their usual coupon offer. In other words, you can get $10 off on any purchase at or above $15, all on top of the game's current discount. So if you're looking to fill out your backlog on the cheap, this would be a pretty good time to do so.

Have fun, and I'll leave you with one of the trailers for GTA V, just for good measure!

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