Civilization VI official artwork and logo

[Update]: Epic is now giving away Borderlands: The Handsome Collection which contains Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and all of the DLC released for both games!

The Epic Games Store is currently running a massive sale, and they are doing everything they can in order to get as many eyes on it as possible. Not that I'm complaining, however, as just recently they have given out GTA 5 for free, and now they are doing the same with Civilization VI!

So if you're up for many sleepless nights, endlessly chasing that "one more turn" high, you should head on over to the Epic Games Store and grab yourself a copy of Civilization VI. This promotion will last until May 28th, so while you have plenty of time to do it, I would recommend simply getting a copy now while it's still fresh on your mind.

As for whether Civilization VI is worth the time or the trouble, the obvious answer is yes if you're a fan of large-scale strategy games. Additionally, if you find yourself really enjoying the gameplay, you'll eventually want to get the various expansions as well since they really help flesh out the whole experience. Until then, however, the base game should serve as a rather juicy appetizer. So if you're curious, I'd give it a try - it's entirely free after all!

Have fun, and I'll leave you with the always lovely cinematic trailer:

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