Helldivers 2 screenshot of the laser cannon firing

[Update]: The update has now arrived with more weapon tweaks than I could've ever expected for a 'follow-up' patch!

A couple of weeks ago Helldivers 2 released an update that tweaked or reworked the vast majority of underperforming weapons and annoying enemies. As you might expect from such a massive update, some weapons and stratagems ended up falling through the cracks or were simply overlooked as the team had other priorities.

Now, with the upcoming October 15th update, the Helldivers 2 team is looking to tackle the weapons left behind, as well as even further polish the stuff that's already good! Sadly the exact details are still shrouded in mystery, but the most exciting addition is definitely programmable ammo for the Autocannon and Recoilless Rifle!

In the case of the Autocannon this means that the weapon will be able to switch to flak projectiles in order to deal with air units more efficiently, and perhaps even widespread groups of weak infantry. They didn't give any examples for the Recoilless Rifle, but I can only imagine it's going to be something similar. But if you want to go really wild with the theories, it's also possible they'll combine the Recoilless Rifle and the Airburst Rocket Launcher into a single stratagem since they're effectively the same weapon, just shooting different types of rockets. Now that would be a treat!

Speculation aside, you can also look forward to an automatic firing mode for the Scorcher, buffs for the Purifier and Stalwart, as well as the much-requested ability to power down your drone friend in order to sneak around patrols or enemy bases. While I'd love to tell you more, I'm afraid that's it for the time being. But even so, these are exciting changes and a solid step forward for Helldivers 2, so I can only hope Arrowhead continues down this path.

Once the update goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun blasting the enemies of democracy!

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