No Man's Sky artwork for the freshly released and freighter focused Endurance update

[Update]: No Man’s Sky's Update 4.0 is all about fine-tuning your gameplay experience and level of challenge.

With the Outlaws update No Man's Sky spruced up its space combat and added a bunch of different ways to be a galactic menace. While the newest Endurance update is still focused on improving space-based gameplay, things are much more relaxed this time around.

Endurance has completely overhauled the experience of being a freighter captain, which includes a total rework of space bases. You now have a huge array of new parts and themed rooms to decorate your home away from home, the ability to build outside the freighter itself in order to really enjoy the wondrous views across the galaxy, as well as the option to customize and set up a variety of workshops, farms and observation decks.

The freighter bases should also be a lot busier than before as you'll have specialist crew members walking around doing their jobs, relaxing after a mission, or simply grumbling about some potential problems. And if you want even more friends in space, you can also encounter, grow and upgrade your own fleet of organic frigates.

No Man's Sky screenshot of living frigates from the Endurance update

Besides all of the gameplay stuff, the Endurance update also brings with it some nifty quality-of-life improvements, visual overhauls and additional variants for for things like NPC freighters. You can check out all of the improvements over at the official website.

The final thing worth mentioning is that Hello Games have also taken this opportunity to make No Man's Sky 50% off until August 1st. So if you ever wanted to give it a try, this would be a pretty good time to do so.

Have fun, and I'll leave you with a brief trailer highlighting the Endurance update:

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