Steam Puzzle Fest 2023 official artwork and logo

[Update]: Steam's sizable Summer Sale 2023 has now arrived and will stick around all the way until July 13th.

If you're tired of the endless stream of shooty-shooty action games and want a more cerebral experience, you might want to check out the freshly launched Steam Puzzle Fest. As the name would imply, the Puzzle Fest brings with it sizable discounts on all sorts of puzzle games, as well as free demos for quite a few of the newer ones. The whole thing will last until 10am PT on May 1st, so you should have more than enough time to browse through the list and check out whichever games tickle your fancy.

For those of you that aren't sure where to even begin with, allow me to share with you a couple of my favorites. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of puzzle games the following crowd really managed to win me over, so definitely check them out if you're into the genre (or want to be). Without further ado, here's the brief list:

Stephen's Sausage Roll (-70%, ~7,5€) 
Baba Is You (-30%, ~8,75€) 
The Talos Principle (-85%, 4,34€) 
Rusty Lake series (-50%, ~1€) 
Puzzle Agent (-50%, ~€5) 

There is, unfortunately, one catch with my selection of games. All of them are fairly old, so they don't have a demo available unlike some of the newer games. So if you're not sure if puzzle games are even your thing, you might want to instead start with some of the more popular demos and move on from there.

Whatever the case may be, you can learn everything you might want to know about the Steam Puzzle Fest over at (you guessed it) Steam! Enjoy!

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