Stellaris screenshot of the Guardian from the Leviathans expansion

This week sure is a busy one when it comes to promotions on Steam. There's a bunch of sales going on, Conan Exiles is celebrating its first anniversary with a free weekend and a massive update, and now Stellaris is joining the festivities by offering a three-day free trial in honor of its third anniversary.

If you would like to give Stellaris a try for yourself and see just what kind of grand strategy game it truly is, simply head on over to Steam and you'll be conquering unknown worlds in no time. The whole promotion will end at 22:00 CEST / 13:00 PDT / 16:00 EDT on May 12th, so you should have plenty of time to figure out if Stellaris is your type of game or not.

For those of you that end up liking what you see, I am also glad to say that Stellaris and all of its DLCs will be on a hefty discount until May 13th. The base game itself is 75% off and will set you back $10/€10, while the various DLCs are all 50% off, with the only exception being the recent MegaCorp one which is only 20% off.

You can learn more about all of this, as well as grab the free trial yourself, by hopping over to Steam. Have fun, and I'll leave you with the recently posted anniversary trailer:

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