Tales from the Borderlands screenshot of a robot giving a thumbs up

[Update]: Gearbox is working on a brand new Tales from the Borderlands adventure game!

When Telltale Games shut down in 2018 their games quickly got pulled from digital storefronts. The immensely popular ones like The Walking Dead series returned with remarkable speed, while the rest ended up getting stuck in legal limbo. A fair bit of time has gone by since then, but I'm happy to say that a brand new game has just managed to escape that living nightmare!

The game in question is the truly terrific Tales from the Borderlands, a choice-driven adventure that takes place between Borderlands 2 and 3. So if you're in the mood for a heavily story focused Borderlands game, you can now once again pick it up on PC, PlayStation and Xbox, while the Switch version will be launching on March 24, 2021.

For those of you wondering how good Tales from the Borderlands even is, I would say it's one of Telltale's best games, right up there with the first season of The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us. That is incredibly high praise, and honestly it's completely deserved as Tales from the Borderlands features a memorable cast of characters, a whole bunch of great dialog, and a surprisingly good adaptation of the Borderlands universe. So if you're even remotely interested in these types of games, I'd definitely give Tales from the Borderlands a closer look.

You can do so, as well as check out a variety of user reviews, over at Steam. Have fun, and I'll leave you the brief re-launch trailer:

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