Conan Exiles is an upcoming open-world survival game with a heavy focus on carving your own little piece of heaven in an otherwise hostile land. And since most players are bloodthirsty maniacs hellbent at destroying anything that stands upright, attempting to maintain your stronghold for longer than 10 minutes is going to be a rather difficult task. If you intend to thrive you'll need to gather up your allies, both players and friendly NPCs, and then somehow figure out a way to not die horribly when a giant god-squid starts munching on your fortifications!
Since all of this is a bit too strange to explain in a single paragraph, allow me to share with you the most recent preview video. It features a variety of godlike beings, player-build fortresses, and naturally, a whole bunch of PvP. Have a look:
If you're not a fan of PvP and would instead prefer to cooperate with other players, you'll be glad to hear that Conan Exiles will support both community servers and mods. In other words, you'll be able to adjust the gameplay exactly how you want it, whether this relates to PvP, crafting, day/night cycles, or pretty much anything else.
As for the release date, Conan Exiles will be coming to Steam Early Access on January 31st. If you would like to learn more I would recommend you head over to either Steam or the official website. And if you're looking for the system requirements, you'll find them by heading over here.