Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season screenshot of a fierce Clementine

As you're most likely aware, Telltale Games closed down their doors back in September and filed for bankruptcy. This left the vast majority of Telltale's developers without a job, and the still-unfinished The Walking Dead: The Final Season without much hope of ever seeing a conclusion. Not exactly an ideal situation, I'm sure you'll agree.

This would usually be the unfortunate end of the story, but Skybound Games appeared pretty much out of nowhere, hired a good chunk of the developers, and promised to bring the fans and Clementine an ending worth waiting for. And to make things even better, it's also important to mention that the founder of Skybound Games is none other than Robert Kirkman - the writer behind The Walking Dead comic!

With that little bit of a history lesson now out of the way, I am very glad to announce that Episode 3 of Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season will be arriving this January 15th. If you're wondering what the "Broken Toys" episode will be about, as well as whether the quality has remained the same, you'll find the answers you seek in the recently posted trailer. Have a gander:

I would love to tell you more about Episode 3 as I'm quite curious myself, but I'm afraid that's pretty much everything Skybound Games was eager to share so far. If you're willing to indulge a bit of speculation, however, I do believe that these final two episodes will have some of the most impactful and interesting choices out of the entire series. The reason I say this is because Clementine's story is well and truly over after this season, which gives the writers plenty of room to create complex scenarios without having to worry about all of them wrapping up in exactly the same way for the sequel to make sense.

Whatever the case may be, we'll find out soon enough as Episode 3 of Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season will become available on both PC and consoles this January 15th. You can learn a little bit more about it (and I really do mean little), as well as follow any future developer updates, over at the official website.

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