Total War: Warhammer 2 screenshot of the Wood Elf queen Ariel

[Update #2]: Total War: Warhammer 2's massive The Twisted & The Twilight update has now been unleashed.

[Update]: Creative Assembly have now revealed the full patch notes for The Twisted & The Twilight update.

Quite a long time has gone by since the previous Total War: Warhammer 2 update, and now that Creative Assembly has revealed The Twisted & The Twilight DLC, it's very obvious why. Not only does the DLC bring with it the usual assortment of new units, mechanics and Legendary Lords to play around with, but the accompanying free update is one of the most ambitious Warhammer 2 has seen to date.

Unlike the previously reworked Empire and Greenskins factions that needed mostly a bit of sprucing up in order to properly function, the original Wood Elves had so many glaring issues that Creative Assembly was forced to reshape their entire campaign from the ground up. What all of this looks like in actual gameplay terms, however, that you can find out through the freshly posted preview. Have a gander:

Personally, I'm quite impressed. Not only is it very thematic for the Wood Elves to invest all of their efforts into healing the various magical forests of the world, but the process itself seems highly engaging, what with all of the numerous events and armies you'll have to contend with. Best of all, thanks to the new World Roots system that lets you teleport around, the Wood Elves will no longer be constrained to a tiny portion of the map and will actually get to fight a whole bunch of different enemies!

The only thing I'm somewhat disappointed by is the Sisters of Twilight, the paid DLC lord for the Wood Elves. While their 'free' counterpart Drycha seems to have an entirely unique roster and campaign mechanics to toy around with, the Sisters of Twilight are apparently a generic leader that occasionally gets powerful items through a "choose one out of two" pop-up menu. I can only hope there is more to them that Creative Assembly hasn't shown so far, because for such awesome characters the Sisters of Twilight sure don't seem to offer much of a unique experience over the other Wood Elves.

Whatever the case may be, you can learn more about the upcoming update and DLC over at the official FAQ.

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