Warcraft 3 artwork of the footman from the cinematic trailer

[Update #2]: Warcraft 3: Reforged has now finally been released, and it's unfortunately a bit of a mixed bag.

[Update]: Blizzard has now revealed that Warcraft 3: Reforged will be released in January 28, 2020!

Warcraft 3: Reforged is set to arrive in about a year, but thankfully the wait won't be all that excruciating as Blizzard has really gone all-in on updating the original Warcraft 3 these past few months. Last time around they rebalanced just about every single unit and hero, while this time they have tweaked some of the outliers and greatly improved how Custom Games are handled.

The Custom Game changes are a bit difficult to summarize, so if you're interested in all of the details you should head on over to the official website. On the other hand, if you're just interested in the latest round of balance changes, here's what you can expect to see:



Brilliance Aura

- Level 3 mana regeneration increased from 1.75 to 2.00 per second

Blood Mage


- Reduced casting delay from 1.33 to .9 on all levels

Keeper of the Grove

Force of Nature

- Treant damage reduced from 16 to 15

Entangling Roots

- Level 2: Duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds

- Level 3: Duration reduced from 7 to 6 seconds


Base Stats

- Intelligence +1

Pit Lord

Base Stats

- Agility +1


Tauren Totem

Base Stats

- HP reduced from 1200 to 900



Base Stats

- Mana regeneration increased from .67 to .72

Spell Breaker

Tech Tree

- Control Magic now requires Keep instead of Castle

Control Magic

- Control Magic mana requirement reduced from 45% of enemy HP to 35% of enemy HP

Cannon Tower

Base Stats

- Build time reduced from 75 to 65

- Gold cost reduced from 200 to 150



Base Stats

- Decreased base damage from 16 to 15 (17-19 to 16-18)


- Is an upgrade again. 100/100 cost, 20 second research, on Ancient of War, requires Hunters Hall, no longer requires Tree of Ages

- Duration increased from 3 minutes to 5 minutes

Druid of the Talon

Base Stats

- Gold cost reduced from 150 to 145

Glaive Thrower

Base Stats

- Base damage decreased from 50 to 44



Base Stats

- Movement speed reduced from 250 to 235


Wand of Lightning Shield

Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds

- This reduces total damage from 400 to 200

While the Undead might need a bit of a buff in order to bring them up to par with the rest, I have to say that these balance changes are definitely a step in the right direction. There's still a lot of work to be done, but there's also plenty of time to get everything nice and ready for Warcraft 3: Reforged's supposed December 31, 2019 release date. 

Once Blizzard releases more information, or yet another update, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, I highly recommend you head on over to Warcraft 3 and give all of the new tweaks a try. Enjoy! 

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