The new Warcraft Movie trailer showcases what seems to be improved CGI

The previous Warcraft movie trailer released back in December during Blizzcon and while it got me quite excited the CGI looked a bit... off to say it politely.

Thankfully the recently released TV trailer (embedded below) seems to have corrected many of the CGI issues our green brown friends had, especially when standing next to humans. Here's the video:


I've spent the majority of my childhood and teenage years growing up alongside WoW so I'll be the first one to admit that my love for the Warcraft universe might be clouding my judgement but the CGI does seem to look quite a bit better than what was shown previously.

And even if it isn't I'll keep telling myself otherwise as I'm practically obligated to watch the "WoW movie" after being teased with the idea of it for the better part of a decade now. All joking aside I really do hope it ends up being good, the world would benefit greatly from a bunch of actually watchable video game movies bringing in fresh new ideas in to the currently superhero-centric film industry.

Well that and I kind of want to see Duncan Jones tackle the rise and fall of Arthas, one of the most memorable villains to ever grace the Warcraft universe. Just look at the Wrath of the Lich King trailer and try to tell me otherwise!

As for the Warcraft movie it will be arriving in theaters on June 10th.

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