Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition Artorias artwork

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game, new or old, indie or AAA, the only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition - a combat orientated RPG that is so good it practically ended up creating a genre of its own. It features an expansive and interconnected world, plenty of viable playstyles and weapon choices, a difficulty curve that will always keep you on your toes, and just the right amount of frustration to make each victory feel all the sweeter!

Project Zomboid artwork of the Spiffo mascot as the main character

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I showcase a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it so much fun. This can be any game: new or old, action or strategy, indie or AAA. The only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself obsessed with and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Project Zomboid - in my humble opinion, easily the best zombie survival game ever made. With a tense and immersive atmosphere, a massive world to explore and inevitably ruin, countless hordes of zombies to squabble against, as well as a high degree of customization, Project Zomboid simply has it all! So if you would like to experience a zombie sandbox game without equal, allow me to show you why you should give Project Zomboid a try.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed recommendation for PC

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game, new or old, indie or AAA, the only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, which besides having quite possibly the worst name ever conceived by mortal man, is an exceptionally good kart racer, and in my humble opinion the very best one. It features a charming and unique cast of characters, a bunch of well-designed levels and power-ups, memorable music, complex gameplay mechanics, and most importantly, AI opponents that actually manage to offer up a real challenge without resorting to cheating or rubber-banding!

Dragon's Dogma official screenshot featuring a giant dragon

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game: new or old, action or strategy, indie or AAA. The only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - a complex, open-world RPG that will truly make you feel like you're exploring a land filled with monsters and excitement at every turn. Since nearly every single encounter requires special tactics and equipment you're most likely going to find yourself dying fairly often, but that overwhelming feeling of satisfaction once you finally succeed in bringing down a giant beast is exactly what makes Dragon's Dogma so compelling. So if you're up for an epic journey that will see your character grow from a lowly fisherman to a nigh-unstoppable dragonslayer, come and join me as I briefly go over everything that sets Dragon's Dogma apart from the rest.

Total War: Warhammer 2 artwork for the Tomb Kings

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I get to showcase a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it so much fun. This can be any game: new or old, action or strategy, indie or AAA. The only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself obsessed with and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Total War: Warhammer 2 - a supremely satisfying strategy game where pirates are both zombies and vampires, barnyard animals harbor a seething hatred for humanity, the French are hopelessly addicted to sipping from the holy grail, and where interdimensional daemons attacking your village is just another Tuesday! So if you would like to experience an RTS game whose scope is without equal, allow me to show you why you should give Total War: Warhammer 2 a try.

Archaon the Everchosen from Total War: Warhammer

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game: new or old, action or strategy, indie or AAA. The only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Total War: Warhammer - a remarkably good strategy game that also manages to fully capture the insane brilliance of the Warhammer universe. Like any Total War game it features a variety of different factions, each with their own unique units and gameplay styles, as well as an enormous campaign map full of enemies to conquer and allies to befriend... at least for time time being! So whether you're a fan of the Warhammer universe or strategy games in general, allow me to show you why you should give Total War: Warhammer a try. 

[Update]: Since Total War: Warhammer 2 features all of Total War: Warhammer 1's content, and is simply more polished across the board, I'd highly recommend trying Total War: Warhammer 2 instead.

Stardew Valley screenshot showcasing a well-developed farm

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game, new or old, indie or AAA, the only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Stardew Valley - a Harvest Moon inspired country life simulator that will have you create a paradise out of broken sticks and piles of rubble. It features some lovely visuals, a calm and relaxing gameplay pace, a unique cast of characters, plenty of activities for any type of player, and perhaps most importantly, enough content to keep you busy for dozens of hours.

Geralt and a mage from The Witcher 3

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game, new or old, indie or AAA, the only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try The Witcher 3 - the gold standard when it comes to open world RPGs. The game-world is absolutely massive and the majority of the locations are well worth visiting; the graphics are some of the best you will encounter in any game today; the characters are well written and quite complex; and most importantly, none of the side-quests are designed to waste your time by making you collect a dozen bear asses. That doesn't mean you are going to save any time, however, as The Witcher 3 has already robbed me of well over a hundred hours, and because I hate seeing other people have free time I would like for you to discover how fun it is as well.

Darkest Dungeon logo with man-at-arms

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game, new or old, indie or AAA, the only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Darkest Dungeon, a brutally difficult turn-based RPG that features numerous roguelike elements, a gorgeous art style filled with Lovecraftian horrors, and a story that manages to stick to the back-lines, yet still draw you ever-forward in an effort to plunder its secrets.

Path Of Exile is an excellent Diablo 2 inspired ARPG

"You Should Try" is a series of articles where I'll showcase you a game I really enjoy while explaining what exactly makes it fun. This can be any game, new or old, indie or AAA, the only requirement is that it has to be something I've found myself greatly enjoying and in need of sharing with the world.

Today I think you should try Path of Exile, a free-to-play ARPG that draws its inspiration from Diablo 2 and features a frankly ridiculous amount of viable character builds, spell combinations, and most importantly, content to enjoy.