Broken Roads is a Fallout inspired RPG set in a post-apocalyptic Australia

[Update]: Broken Roads has been delayed until early 2024 in order to ensure it launches as well polished as it can be.

If Baldur's Gate 3 has gotten you into a bit of an RPG mood, you might want to keep an eye on the upcoming Fallout inspired and narrative driven RPG called Broken Roads. As you might imagine given its inspiration, Broken Roads will have you chat up a variety of unique and interesting characters, undertake lengthy quests all across a post-apocalyptic version of Australia, solve dilemmas based on your character's philosophical leanings, and naturally, fight against all sorts of enemies in turn-based combat while looting everything that isn't nailed down particularly well!

What all of this looks like in action, as well as what sort of tone Broken Roads is going for, that you can check out through one of the trailers below. Have a gander:

If that sounds as enticing to you as it does to me, you'll be pleased to hear that you won't have to wait all that long to give Broken Roads a try. I say this as the developers have just announced that Broken Roads will be heading over to PC and Xbox on November 14th, 2023!

The good news doesn't end there, however, as there's also a free demo available! I haven't tried it myself just yet, but from what I've heard it seems to be quite solid on the story front, which is definitely the main attraction. The combat, on the other hand, apparently needs a bit of work, though whether that's due to the demo being fairly early in the game or a symptom of some bigger issues, that I'm afraid I don't know.

You can make up your own mind, as well as learn more about Broken Roads in general, over at Steam. Enjoy, and I'll make sure to let you know once the full version arrives.

Broken Roads, Australian indie isometric RPG, screenshot of a conversation with a worried mercenary

Broken Roads, Australian indie isometric RPG, screenshot of a bustling bar

Broken Roads, Australian indie isometric RPG, screenshot of a conversation with a grieving woman

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