Final Fantasy VII remake screenshot of Cloud clashing with Sephiroth

[Update #2]: It took a while, but the enhanced version of the Final Fantasy VII Remake has now landed onto PC!

[Update]: Square Enix has now released the lengthy cinematic intro for the Final Fantasy VII remake.

The remake of the classic JRPG Final Fantasy VII will be making its way to the PlayStation 4 this March 3rd. However, according to its recently revealed box, Final Fantasy VII is only going to be a timed exclusive for the PS4. In other words, it's very likely that Final Fantasy VII will arrive onto PC and Xbox One at some point in 2021.

Continuing on with the good news, Square Enix has now also revealed a brand new gameplay trailer that highlights the updated storyline, characters and voice acting. Have a gander, there's a lot of new gameplay footage:

I have to give props to Square Enix here. I fully expected cross-dressing Cloud to look even more ridiculous than he did in the original, but somehow they've taken a more realistic-looking character and made it work to a surprising degree. Same goes for many of the other changes and updates to the characters, so unless there's some horrible secret carefully hidden away, Final Fantasy VII is shaping up to be pretty darn impressive.

On the other hand, how exactly the actual gameplay will hold up once we finally get our hands on it, only time will tell. Until then, you can learn a little bit more about Final Fantasy VII, as well as follow any future updates, over at the official website.

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