Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons artwork for the Virtuoso

[Update #2]: End of Dragon's second beta preview event will show off the Elementalist based Catalyst, Warrior based Bladesworn, and Revenant based Vindicator on September 21, 2021.

[Update]: The beta event has now gone live alongside the Mesmer based Virtuoso, Guardian based Willbender and Necromancer based Harbinger.

After a whole bunch of teasers and rumors, ArenaNet finally went ahead and officially unveiled Guild Wars 2's third major expansion back in July. Once it arrives in early 2022, End of Dragons will bring with it the distant land of Cantha, a combat-focused turtle mount for two players, new Strikes and endgame challenges, and naturally, new elite specializations for all classes!

If you don't feel like waiting all that time in order to start playing around with the new toys, you're in luck as Guild Wars 2 will soon be launching a brief preview event! From August 17 to August 21, everyone with a Guild Wars 2 account will be able to test out three of the new elite specializations.

The only one fully revealed so far is the Mesmer based Virtuoso that uses psionic blades as projectiles instead of relying on traditional illusions. What this looks like in action, however, that you can find out through the freshly posted teaser trailer. Have a look:

As for the other two specializations, nothing concrete has been announced just yet, but judging by the teaser image it's quite obviously going to be Guardian and Necromancer related. The Necromancer appears to be wielding some sort of pistol, while the Guardian is without a doubt dual-wielding swords. I'd love to tell you more, but I'm afraid that's it for the time being.

Once the event goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can read a little bit more about End of Dragons over at the Guild Wars 2 website.

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