Overwatch 2 artwork with logo showing off the Junker Queen, Doomfist and Sojourn

[Update #2]: My Overwatch 2 review is now out, and to put it simply it's a terrible sequel, though thankfully a terrific game!

[Update]: Overwatch 2 has now unveiled its very first support hero - the wall-climbing, fox themed healer Kiriko. The Blizzard team has also taken this opportunity to detail Overwatch 2's Battle Pass, hero unlock system, as well as further clarified their plans for future updates.

After nearly two years of rumors and speculation, Blizzard has now finally confirmed that Overwatch 2's PvP mode will be free-to-play! As for the release date, the competitive side of Overwatch 2 will be launching on October 4th, 2022 for both PC and consoles!

The good news doesn't end there, however, as the second closed beta will be arriving on June 28th! It'll bring with it Junker Queen as a brand new tank, as well as an additional Overwatch 2 map explore. While not confirmed, it's also possible the beta will feature the 'fox girl' teased all the way back during the launch of the Kanezaka map.

I say this because her spirit fox briefly appears in the teaser trailer along with the awesome-looking Junker Queen. So if you're curious about what's coming to Overwatch 2, you can get a little bit of a sneak peek in the trailer below. Have a gander:

As for the co-op focused PvE elements, those will be coming at a later date and will most likely be a part of a paid expansion. That said, Blizzard is planning a big Overwatch 2 reveal event on June 16th, so with a bit of luck we might hear a few more tidbits about the story campaign.

Once Blizzard finally spills the beans I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun speculating on what the fox girl will be all about!

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