Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season screenshot of Clementine hiding

Telltale Games closed down its doors back in September and filed for bankruptcy, which as you might imagine, didn't exactly bode well for the future of its The Walking Dead series. Instead of ending in utter disaster, however, The Walking Dead: The Final Season wound up being rescued by none other than The Walking Dead's comic book writer Robert Kirkman and his Skybound Games!

After hiring a good chunk of the original developers, Skybound Games then fairly quickly released Episode 3: Broken Toys and set to work on the fourth and final episode of the final season. If you're as eager as I am to see what sort of ending they have planned for Clementine, you'll be glad to hear that you won't have to wait for too much longer as Episode 4: Take Us Back will be coming this March 26th.

"It’s hard to believe Clem's journey is coming to an end," reads the brief developer update. "Just like you guys, we’re struggling to grasp the fact that the journey is almost over. But we're so ready and thankful to have all of you alongside us as the story comes to a dramatic close."

The exact details are currently few and far between, and given that we're talking about the final episode of an extremely long-running series, I think it's safe to say that Skybound Games will be keeping a tight lid on any sort of spoilers or story details. Probably for the best, all things considered!

Should any more bits of information surface, or if Skybound Games release a brand new trailer, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, I'm afraid all we can really do is sit and wait for the final episode to arrive.

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