Dead Space screenshot of Isaac in space

[Update #2]: Pre-orders of the upcoming Dead Space remake will come with a copy of the excellent Dead Space 2.

[Update]: We finally have a date! The Dead Space remake will be launching onto PC and consoles on January 27th, 2023!

While all rumors of Dead Space 4 were squashed many years ago, I'm very happy to announce that there is now hope that the series will make a triumphant return! I say this because EA has just revealed that not only is Dead Space getting re-released for PC and modern consoles, but that this new version will be rebuilt from the ground up as a fully fledged remake!

The exact details are unfortunately still few and far between, but it seems like the focus will be on offering a deeper and more immersive experience. You can also expect to see greatly enhanced visuals, various gameplay improvements, as well as a bunch of quality of life features to round everything out.

You can get a little bit of a sneak peek at what this might look like in action through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's a fairly brief one:

Once we get more information, ideally alongside a release date, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can keep an eye on the Dead Space website for any additional teasers or previews.

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